Occupations available for General Skilled Migration visa programmes as of 1 Jul 2017

The Australian government announced the new occupation list for General Skilled Migration List.

If you are applying for any of the below:

you will need to nominate an occupation from the MLTSSL of the relevant legislative instrument – see: IMMI 17/072 Specification of Occupations and Assessing Authorities. 

If you are applying for any of the below:

You will need to nominate an occupation from the same legislative instrument above. Additional occupations included in the STSOL will, however, also be available to you.

Note: the above instrument also restricts the use of certain occupations to certain subclasses listed above.


Reference: https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Work/Work/Skills-assessment-and-assessing-authorities/skilled-occupations-lists#